- class daschlab.photometry.AFlags(value)[source]¶
DASCH photometry data quality warning flags.
The “AFLAGS” value is an integer where each bit indicates a data quality concern. The highest-quality data have no bits set, i.e., an integer value of zero.
Flag documentation is intentionally superficial. Flag semantics are (FIXME: will be) documented more thoroughly in the DASCH data description pages.
Attributes Summary
Bit 8: Plate fails general quality checks
Bit 16: Object's spatial bin has unmeasured
Bit 23: "Case B/C" blend - multiple catalog entries and imaged stars all mixed up
Bit 21: "Case B" blend - multiple catalog entries for one imaged star
Bit 22: "Case C" blend - mutiple imaged stars for one catalog entry
Bit 14: Object brightness is too close to the local limiting magnitude
Bit 7: High SExtractor background level at object position
Bit 24: Object
is large relative to its bin, or its spatial or local bin is badBit 12: SExtractor isophotonic RMS is suspiciously large
Bit 13: Local-binning RMS is suspiciously large
Bit 29: Smoothing correction is suspiciously large
Bit 31: Low altitude - object is within 23.5 deg of the horizon
Bit 11: Object is a blend and this is a multiple-exposure plate
Bit 9: Object is unmatched and this is a multiple-exposure plate
Bit 25: Object is a Pickering Wedge image
Bit 15: Object is in radial bin 9 (close to the plate edge)
Bit 28: Rejected blended object
Bit 26: Object is a suspected plate defect
Bit 27: SExtractor flags the object as a blend
Bit 30: Object is too bright for accurate calibration
Bit 20: Magnitude of the catalog source is uncertain/variable
Bit 10: Observation time is too uncertain to calculate extinction accurately
Attributes Documentation
Bit 8: Plate fails general quality checks
Bit 16: Object’s spatial bin has unmeasured
- CASE_BC_BLEND = 4194304¶
Bit 23: “Case B/C” blend - multiple catalog entries and imaged stars all mixed up
- CASE_B_BLEND = 1048576¶
Bit 21: “Case B” blend - multiple catalog entries for one imaged star
- CASE_C_BLEND = 2097152¶
Bit 22: “Case C” blend - mutiple imaged stars for one catalog entry
Bit 14: Object brightness is too close to the local limiting magnitude
Bit 7: High SExtractor background level at object position
- LARGE_DRAD = 8388608¶
Bit 24: Object
is large relative to its bin, or its spatial or local bin is bad
- LARGE_ISO_RMS = 2048¶
Bit 12: SExtractor isophotonic RMS is suspiciously large
Bit 13: Local-binning RMS is suspiciously large
Bit 29: Smoothing correction is suspiciously large
- LOW_ALTITUDE = 1073741824¶
Bit 31: Low altitude - object is within 23.5 deg of the horizon
- MULT_EXP_BLEND = 1024¶
Bit 11: Object is a blend and this is a multiple-exposure plate
Bit 9: Object is unmatched and this is a multiple-exposure plate
- PICKERING_WEDGE = 16777216¶
Bit 25: Object is a Pickering Wedge image
- RADIAL_BIN_9 = 16384¶
Bit 15: Object is in radial bin 9 (close to the plate edge)
- REJECTED_BLEND = 134217728¶
Bit 28: Rejected blended object
- SUSPECTED_DEFECT = 33554432¶
Bit 26: Object is a suspected plate defect
- SXT_BLEND = 67108864¶
Bit 27: SExtractor flags the object as a blend
- TOO_BRIGHT = 536870912¶
Bit 30: Object is too bright for accurate calibration
Bit 20: Magnitude of the catalog source is uncertain/variable
Bit 10: Observation time is too uncertain to calculate extinction accurately