
class daschlab.refcat.RefcatSources(data=None, masked=False, names=None, dtype=None, meta=None, copy=True, rows=None, copy_indices=True, units=None, descriptions=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Table

A table of sources from a DASCH reference catalog.

A RefcatSources is a subclass of astropy.table.Table containing DASCH catalog data and associated catalog-specific methods. You can use all of the usual methods and properties made available by the astropy.table.Table class. Items provided by the Table class are not documented here.

You should not construct RefcatSources instances directly. Instead, obtain the full table using the daschlab.Session.refcat() method.

Columns are not documented here! They are (FIXME: will be) documented more thoroughly in the DASCH data description pages.

Methods Summary

show([mag_limit, size_vmin_bias])

Display the catalog contents in the WWT view.

Methods Documentation

show(mag_limit: float | None = None, size_vmin_bias: float = 1.0) TableLayer[source]

Display the catalog contents in the WWT view.

mag_limitoptional float or None

For display purposes, source magnitudes fainter (larger) than this value, or missing magnitudes, will be filled in with this value. If unspecified (None), the maximum unmasked value will be used.

size_vmin_biasoptional float, default 1.0

The WWT layer’s size_vmin setting is set to the mag_limit plus this number. Larger values cause relatively faint sources to be rendered with relatively larger indicators. This makes them easier to see, at a cost of somewhat reducing the dynamic range of the indicator sizing.


This is the WWT table layer object corresponding to the displayed catalog. You can use it to programmatically control aspects of how the data are displayed, such as the which column sets the point size.


In order to use this method, you must first have called daschlab.Session.connect_to_wwt().